Volunteering with heart
Sapphire by Living Gems

Volunteering with heart

How many hands make light work

Volunteering with heart

There’s a saying that ‘volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart’. On behalf of Living Gems, we’d like to thank all volunteers who so selflessly donate their time to help events run smoothly.

Ahead of National Volunteer Week, which runs between May 20-26, we spoke to a few volunteers at Sapphire by Living Gems where resident photographer Allan Kajewski said there was always a strong contingent of generous homeowners ready to lend a hand.

“Residents of Sapphire are fun-loving people, and we have so many volunteers doing jobs from setting up for functions to organising events. We have two hard-working committees – our homeowners and social committees. All volunteers do a wonderful job,” he said.

Roy and Margaret Koplick are volunteers who will this year celebrate their 20th year of living at Sapphire, along with their 60th wedding anniversary.

The couple has volunteered ever since moving in, wearing a range of different hats – helping with meal preparation, cooking on the barbecue or setting up the table and chairs ahead of social events, just to name a few. Roy has also had stints as president and chairperson of the bowls club, and greenkeeper.

Even before they retired the couple would help in the community. With Roy having a lengthy career in corrective services, he’d volunteer with programs that helped rehabilitate prisoners back to work or for homelessness causes. The couple would help women and children escaping domestic violence situations and with Margaret working as a volunteer at the Dalby St Vincent de Paul opportunity shop they were able to provide further assistance to those in need.

Roy said: “I am so proud of the team of volunteers that operate in their various roles that makes Sapphire by Living Gems a great place to live.”

Keith Pavey is another at Sapphire who finds volunteering rewarding.

He was helping set up hamburger night, which attracts about 90 to 100 people, when we spoke with him.

“We have a great group of volunteers who come along to the hall to help with set up, kitchen duties, bar work and various other functions. And yes, we could do with a few more volunteers.

“Maureen Whittaker – President of the Social Club, the committee and many volunteers combine to put together social events throughout the year.”

Events include charity fundraisers and special events such as Anzac Day, Australia Day, Irish night, Melbourne Cup Day, and so many more.

“We are also lucky to have Allan Kajewski, our very own photographer who is pretty handy with a camera.

He develops the photos himself and puts them in the monthly Snippets newsletter (produced by Pamela Paddick) and he also prints off photos all at his own expense. He’s even put together a hard copy book with magnificent colour photos of everything that happens in the village. The book is very hard to get hold of as people are eager to look at the album.”

Volunteering with heart