Page 17 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 17

Close blinds, curtains and doors                       Maintain air-conditioning systems
                         during very hot or cold days                           Regular maintenance of air
                         Sunlight can significantly increase                    conditioners ensures they operate
                         the temperature inside your home.                      efficiently and use less energy.
                         Keep blinds and curtains closed
                         during very hot days, especially                       Reducing hot water
                         during the hottest part of the day,
                         to block out solar heat. The same is                   Heating water is one of the biggest
                         true for chilly days when you want to                  energy users when washing clothes.
                         keep warm inside the house.                            Washing in cold water saves energy
                                                                                and money. However, be aware that
                                                                                some machines need both hot and
                         Use fans strategically                                 cold water to function properly.
                         Ceiling fans commonly consume less
                         electricity than air-conditioning units
                         and can be effective in cooling down                   Use efficient appliances
                         rooms when used correctly during                       Appliances can account for around
                         hot days. Ensure they are turned off                   25 percent of home energy use, so
                         in unoccupied rooms.                                   choosing the most energy-efficient
                                                                                appliance can bring savings. If it
                                                                                is time to replace old appliances,
                         Set air conditioning efficiently                       opt for energy-efficient ones.
                         If using air conditioning, set the                     Look for the ENERGY STAR label
                         thermostat as high as comfortably                      when choosing appliances such as
                         possible. Each degree higher                           fridges, washing machines, dryers,
                         or lower can save on cooling                           televisions, and computer screens.
                         and heating costs. Consider
                         programming the thermostat to                          For instance, a 600-litre fridge rated
                         adjust temperatures for the season.                    at 1-star costs approximately $2000
                                                                                annually. The same fridge, rated
                                                                                at 8 stars, costs around $950 per
                         Use solar energy                                       annum to run, which is around half
                         when it is abundant                                    the running costs of the less efficient
                         Consider scheduling activities like                    appliance.
                         baking, stovetop cooking, using
                         dishwashers, washing machines, and
                         dryers when the solar PV system is
                         producing at its peak (between 9am
                         and 4pm). This will help maximise
                         the amount of clean and cheap
                         electricity used.
                         However, during overcast and
                         humid days, when solar panels are             Energy and water rating calculators
                         not producing as much electricity,
                         consider minimising these activities          The Australian Government has created
                         (at least during the hottest part of          energy and water rating calculators that will
                         the day), given these activities can          allow you to compare products, including sizes
                         add extra heat to your home, thus             and options, and see the savings.
                         increasing the need for more cooling.
                                                                               Energy Rating Calculator

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