Page 20 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 20

Resort Round-up

          Welcome to another edition of Resort Round-up where we get an
          opportunity to showcase some of the wonderful ways homeowners
          across our Living Gems communities get together to celebrate special
          occasions, events and activities.

          At Amber by Living Gems, the      Also, to Lynette for organising the
          unveiling of their fabulous new   function and to Pam and Matilda and
          Country Club was a major event    company for keeping things on track.
          which had residents and the       While it was an emotional day for
          public very excited. Everyone     many, the spirit of the day was well
          was impressed by the high quality   and truly captured by all.
          of workmanship, finishes and
          furnishings and the vast array of   At Sapphire by Living Gems, over
          facilities such as a magnesium    130 residents turned out to honour
          pool and spa, ten-pin bowling alley,   Australians and New Zealanders who
          movie theatre, golf simulator, sauna   served and died in all wars, conflicts,
          and so much more. Homeowners      and peacekeeping operations on
          are enjoying the new facilities   Anzac Day. This year marked the
          immensely!                        109th anniversary of Australian and
                                            New Zealand soldiers’ landing on the
          At the end of April, Anzac Day    Turkish coastline at Gallipoli during
          brought many ex-servicemen        World War One.
          and women, and their supporters
          together at several of our resorts   When it comes to helping charity,
          including Living Gems Maleny      Sapphire Gardens are at the
          where residents held a simple     forefront. Always keen to help others,
          ceremony at the memorial garden   they held a Biggest Morning Tea
          behind the barbecue area which    party with many residents attending
          featured wreath laying (made by   and enjoying some scrumptious
          homeowner, Beverley), reading of the   cuisine. Money raised will benefit the
          Ode, the Last Post, and a minute’s   Cancer Council.
          silence followed by Reveille.     Always keen to mark special
                                            occasions with a combined
          Attendees also enjoyed a delicious
          sausage sizzle followed by chocolate   celebration, residents at Sapphire
          fudge and traditional Anzac biscuits   also held a special birthday get-
          while they reminisced, told stories   together for all homeowners who
          and shared memories about active   celebrate their 80th birthdays during
          duty. A big thank you to Johhny, Jan   2024. They held it at the local sports
          and crew for getting the barbecue   club and had a wow of a time. Happy
          area, including the gardens, ready   birthday to you all!
          and helping in the raising of the flag.

             Share your photos and news with us!

             If you would like to have your photos featured in the Thrive Resort
             Round-up next month, or have a story idea to share, we’d love to hear
             from you. Send your photos to us before the 15th of each month to
             ensure your shots can be included in the next edition. Email us at
             [email protected]

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