Page 22 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 22


                                                                                   Last months solution

          Across                  32. Partial exchange (5-2)  8. Reading room
          1. Drink sachets (3,4)  33. Cruel                14. Browbeaten
          5. Proficient           34. Unabbreviated        16. Map within map

          9. Sensationalist (press)  35. Money put by (4,3)  17. Aggressive dog
          10. Tunisia’s neighbour  36. Senses              18. Inquire

          11. Stomach sore        37. Deviousness          19. Mayday call (1,1,1)
          12. Literary masterpiece                         22. Highbrow person
          13. Impart knowledge    Down
                                                           24. Gathers
          15. Northern sea duck   1. Hand-held PCs
                                                           25. Shoelace holes
          17. Blokes              2. Country, Saudi ...
          20. Dairy animal        3. Clip on               26. Magazine chiefs

          21. U-boat              4. Day of rest           28. Sudden
          23. Lawn tools          5. Decelerates (5,2)     29. Of race & culture
          27. Classify            6. Bring on (birth)      30. Comfortably

          30. Get to feet         7. Coerced               31. Blame
          22  Thrive
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24