Page 6 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
P. 6

Mum’s the word!                                                      Georgina and David Bailey moved

                                                                               into Living Gems Caboolture
                                                                               Riverfront in February 2021 and
                                                                               Kerry and Roy moved in four months
          Mother and daughter find                                             “It was actually my husband’s idea,”

          fun at Caboolture                                                    said Kerry. “We all lived on acreage
                                                                               properties around Elimbah, and we
                                                                               noticed that the work was getting to
                                                                               be a bit much for my parents, so we

          When Kerry McDougall saw how much fun her mum and dad                suggested downsizing.
          were having at Living Gems Caboolture Riverfront, her husband        “We’ve always been very close, and
          asked why they had to wait to join them.                             I didn’t want to be too far away from

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