Page 7 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
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resort, where they are part of the
                                                                               performing arts group.

                                                                               “We always wanted to be on the
                                                                               stage. We’re natural performers but
                                                                               before we came to Living Gems, we
                                                                               never dreamed we’d be part of a
                                                                               show performing in front of hundreds
                                                                               of people,” said Georgina.

                                                                               “And it doesn’t matter if we forget
                                                                               our lines. Because we’re performing
                                                                               in front of friends, we all just stop and
                                                                               have a laugh.”

                                                                               Both couples have their own homes
                                                                               which means they have their own
                                                                               space to relax too.

                                                                               “The lifestyle at Living Gems suits us
                                                                               down to the ground,” said Georgina.
                                                                               “Although we do spend a lot of time
                                                                               together, we’re not in each other’s

                                                                               “We get together for some events,
                                                                               but we do have our own friends at
                                                                               the resort and we’ll do our own things
                                                                               with them.”
                                                                               Kerry and Roy have two children
                                                                               and three grandchildren who they
                                                                               see regularly with Kerry on hand to
                                                                               assist during the school holidays. With
                                                                               extended family in the UK, the ability
                                                                               to lock-up-and-leave knowing their
                                                                               homes are safe in a gated community
                                                                               and with great neighbours keeping an
                                                                               eye out is a bonus.

                                                                               “Since we moved to Australia in
                                                                               2005, mum and dad have been back
                                                                               a few times, in fact they spent last
                                                                               Christmas in England and, a couple of
                                                                               years ago, they went for four months
                                                                               to attend a grandson’s wedding.”
          Mum and Dad, so when we found     “We regularly go out together to the
          Living Gems, we were so impressed   beach at Bribie to go fishing,” said   Kerry’s brother came out from the
          by everything that was there. The   Georgina.                        UK to visit recently, and he was
                                                                               impressed by the lifestyle at Living
          homes were lovely, and the Country   “Well, our husbands go fishing, we   Gems Caboolture Riverfront.
          Club was impressive.              just come along and bring books to

          “My husband said, ‘well, we like the   read,” added Kerry. “And even then,   “He came to check in on Mum and
                                                                               Dad and to see what kind of place
          place and we’re considering making   the boys don’t catch anything.”  they moved into, and he was amazed.
          a similar kind of move ourselves   “Oh, don’t say that!” interrupts   He couldn’t believe it,” said Kerry.
          in five to seven years’ time, so why   Georgina with a laugh. “No, no, they
          wait? Let’s move in too’.”        always catch fish and they’re always   “He said he wished that there was
                                            big ones too.”                     something like this for his mother-
          And that’s what they did with homes                                  and father-in-law to move to. They
          just a couple of streets away from   Mother and daughter’s comedic   simply don’t have anything like this at
          each other in the resort.         flare has found full expression at the   all in England.”
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