Page 4 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 4

Safeguarding the


          Sustainability key to a

          healthy future for all

          Sustainability is the ability to maintain or support a process
          continuously over time, and that is exactly what Amber by Living
          Gems homeowner Sharon Martin strives to achieve every day within
          her own environment.

          The mother of six children and grandmother of six, who is originally from
          Wollongong, south of Sydney, believes caring for the environment and adopting
          daily sustainable practices, is the greatest gift anyone can give to future

          “We need sustainability for our health and the good of the environment, and
          taking action now is going to be so important for our children, their children, and
          families in the future,” she said.
          Sharon, 58, said practicing environmental sustainability helps to preserve our
          natural resources and uphold the ecological balance, all while safeguarding the
          welfare of both present and future generations.

          “Communities like ours that incorporate sustainable practices can benefit from
          cleaner water and air, and reduced exposure to toxins, which can ultimately
          lead to fewer health issues and an overall better quality of life,” said Sharon.
          She said there were many ways people could help the environment.

          “Using energy-efficient appliances and renewable energy sources are a couple
          of things I do. Plus, people could also choose cleaner modes of transport like   In addition, she is keen to keep
          cycling where possible, all of which will reduce their carbon footprint.”  stingless native bees which are known
          Other options include using products that are made of biodegradable or   to be essential for our ecosystems
          recycled materials and limiting waste by practicing the principles of ‘reduce,   and great for the environment.
          reuse, recycle’, as well as being mindful of water and energy consumption.  “When I was young, my dad and
          Sharon makes a habit of turning off power points and switches in the meter box   uncle were both beekeepers. Bees
          when not needed and admits to being frugal with her use of electricity, including   are great for many reasons. They
          switching the lights off when she goes out.                          aid in the pollination of plants and
                                                                               crops and are champions of cross-
          “Creating habitats like gardens can also support biodiversity,” said Sharon, who   pollination. Keeping bees also helps
          likes to grow her own herbs, fruit and vegetables. She is also keen to see the   other fauna and flora to flourish by
          establishment of a community garden in the near future.              providing nectar and pollen, which
          Sharon supports the residents’ bottle recycling service at Amber by Living   in turn helps them to reproduce and
          Gems.                                                                build healthy populations.”
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