Page 7 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 7

“The facilities at Living Gems
          Caboolture Riverfront have always
          had the ‘wow’ factor,” said Glenys.
          “The homeowners take so much
          pride in the Country Club and it still
          looks like new today.”
          The Country Club is the heart of the
          resort and is used daily for games,
          exercise classes, and more.
          “We have a monthly breakfast there,”
          says Judy. “Then there’s the regular   Glenys said she has been privileged to   our homeowners are popping down
          entertainment!”                   be there at the start of the resort and   there all the time.
                                            to return to sell the last dozen homes.  “The community of Living Gems
          In addition to the live artists booked
          to perform at the Country Club, the   “This location is such a special one   Caboolture Riverfront will ways
                                                                               have a special place in my heart.
                                            because it is so close to everything –
          homeowners are also big on talent.
                                            from bus stops and the train station,   One of the things I noticed very
          “Our son and daughter-in-law visit   as well as to shopping,” she said.   early on was how friendly and
          regularly to run karaoke nights which   “And now, more recently, we have a   supportive the homeowners were,
          are always great fun,” says Judy.  shopping centre open that is so close   and they still are today.”
                                                                         June 2024  7
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