Page 6 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 6

Building beautiful


          Caboolture residents reflect on

          seasons of change

          Over 46 years of marriage Chris and Judy Reilly have only shifted
          home three times and they say the move to Living Gems Caboolture
          Riverfront has been the best.

          “We’ve lived in Brisbane’s western suburbs, then moved to Scarborough, and
          seven-and-a-half years ago, to here at Living Gems Caboolture Riverfront,”
          said Judy.
          “We just love it here and our daughter agrees that it’s been the best move
          we’ve made.”
          The Reillys were among the first people to move into Living Gems
          Caboolture Riverfront.
          “We were still looking for the right over-50s lifestyle community when we put
          our home on the market,” said Chris. “That sold very quickly – within a couple of
          days – so we needed somewhere we could move into straight away.”

          That led them to Living Gems Caboolture Riverfront which was under
          construction. At the time, only the entry boulevard and a display home had
          been completed.
                                                                               “Our van was on the street where we
          “It was mostly muddy paddocks back then! We had to get hard hats from the   lived at Scarborough, which wasn’t
          dongas where the site workers were,” said Chris. “But we were so impressed   terribly secure, but we don’t have to
          with the home. It had everything we needed, so we bought it immediately.”
                                                                               worry about that here,” said Judy.
          Living Gems Caboolture Riverfront Sales Manager Glenys Lowry recalls   The couple started a caravan club
          those days well. “Our first sales office was at Morayfield Shopping Centre,”   with fellow homeowners travelling in
          she said. “Then we moved into a donga while the resort was being built.”
                                                                               convoy to some beautiful destinations
          She said early homeowners would help her set up for sales events, including   around the country. Their most
          driving visitors around in the resort bus.                           recent adventure took place in
          It wasn’t too long before a community started to grow with new residents   May – a week-long trip north to
          quickly made to feel welcome.                                        Rainbow Beach with its golden sandy
                                                                               beaches, striking coloured sands and
          “Before we had the Country Club, we had parties in the street where everyone   refreshing rain forests.
          would bring a table and a few chairs,” said Judy. “In fact, our street still gets
          together once a month. Last month was an Italian night where everyone   “Our group was one of the first
          brought an Italian-inspired dish.”                                   established at the resort and it’s still
                                                                               going strong,” said Chris.
          The Reillys are keen travellers, so having a secure home for their caravan
          was another factor that influenced their decision to move to Living Gems   But it is at the resort itself where the
          Caboolture Riverfront.                                               most fun is had.
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