Page 9 - Living Gems Thrive | June 2024
P. 9

the classes at the resort when our   “Aqua aerobics is a great workout   Homeowners interested in doing the
          pool opened,” Lesley said.        and gently increases your pulse and   aqua aerobics classes can contact
                                            breathing rate, so it’s good for heart   Lesley and Barbara to go on the wait
          “After only a few weeks of classes   health, and strengthening and toning   list (now needed due to the quick
          at the resort, which are held each   muscles,” she said.             uptake!). They are exploring a night
          Monday at 9:30am and 10:30am, we                                     class or a weekend class too in the
          have 29 participants in each class.”  “It’s a good way to keep fit but it   future, given the popularity.
                                            also fosters a wonderful sense of
          Barbara Whiteside and Lesley are   camaraderie and fun through shared   “The clubhouse is lovely and as soon
          continuing to coordinate the aqua   laughter.”                       as everything is up and running, we
          aerobics, and their third volunteer,                                 are looking at having so many events
          Marjie Graham, has now moved      According to Harvard Health, water-  – some will be ticketed and some
          across to coordinating a fitness   based exercise advantages include:  free. We’ve had our first monthly
          group. Barbara is also taking on the   •  Being gentler on the joints, as your   free entertainment on a Sunday
          big job of organising the resort’s   body becomes buoyant in water.  afternoon where a singer performed
          Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest   •  Burns more calories and works   on stage, with quite a few residents
          Morning Tea this month.              more muscles, due to the resistance   taking to the dance floor.”
                                               encountered in the water.
          Lesley herself has been doing aqua
          aerobics on and off for 40 years,   •  Provides a combination workout,
          ever since she had her children.     of cardio and strength training.
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