Page 21 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
P. 21

Source: Logan Village Family
                                                                              Favourites Country Bakery

                                                                                    Best bakery

          heck? It was all hills!’.”        Despite the misadventures,
                                            Natalie is still pushing on with
          “The Daisy Hill walk was ten      her training and can’t wait to          named
          kilometres, but it felt like 20, and I   get through the 20km Sunshine
          carried water in my backpack. Those   Coast trek – even if it’s just so
          fitness people did it though without   that it is done and dusted.        Amber by Living Gems
          any water. They are crazy!”                                               homeowners are living near
                                            “Raising money for a good cause         Logan’s best bakery – as
          Natalie thought she’d get in some   helps get me through and, touch       voted by hundreds of radio
          extra training by going for a bike ride   wood, I’ll like exercise at the end   listeners.
          with her ten-year-old son Ayden, who   of it! Thank you to everyone who
          loves riding in nature.           has supported our team so far.          Logan Village Family Favourites

          “On the way back, we were cycling   Every bit helps!”                     Country Bakery was recently
          down a main road at Eagleby when                                          named Triple M’s best bakery
                                                                                    in Brisbane, only weeks after it
          my front wheel became loose.                                              won a similar title on Rebel FM.
          Suddenly, I was flying over the
          handlebars and landed on the ground.                                      The bakery – at 3/1-5 Wharf
                                                                                    Street, Logan Village – is most
          “Someone yelled out, ‘man            Have a heart!                        famous for its pies, which it
          overboard!’ as they were driving past.                                    reportedly sells 3500 a week in
          It was so embarrassing as so many    To support Natalie,                  summer, and more than 6000
          people saw it, but it was pretty funny –   and encourage her to           in winter! The bacon and cheese
          a flying blob going overboard! Ayden   continue her training,             and the curry pies are firm
          also got great comical value out of it!”  head to her fundraising         favourites. Word on the street
                                               page at
          Luckily Natalie only sustained a few   au/s/49719/59307/e                 is that a special satay pie is
          bumps and scratches, and her                                              coming soon.
          husband Daniel came to pick her up.
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