Page 23 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
P. 23

Sapphire by Living Gems Volunteers

          corrective services, he’d volunteer   He was helping set up hamburger   Melbourne Cup Day, and so many
          with programs that helped         night, which attracts about 90 to 100   more.
          rehabilitate prisoners back to work   people, when we spoke with him.   “We are also lucky to have Allan
          or for homelessness causes. The   “We have a great group of volunteers   Kajewski, our very own photographer
          couple would help women and       who come along to the hall to help   who is pretty handy with a camera.
          children escaping domestic violence   with set up, kitchen duties, bar work   He develops the photos himself and
          situations and with Margaret working   and various other functions. And   puts them in the monthly Snippets
          as a volunteer at the Dalby St Vincent   yes, we could do with a few more   newsletter (produced by Pamela
          de Paul opportunity shop they were   volunteers.                     Paddick) and he also prints off
          able to provide further assistance to                                photos all at his own expense. He’s
          those in need.                    “Maureen Whittaker – President of
                                            the Social Club, the committee and   even put together a hard copy book
          Roy said: “I am so proud of the team   many volunteers combine to put   with magnificent colour photos
          of volunteers that operate in their   together social events throughout the   of everything that happens in the
          various roles that makes Sapphire by   year.”                        village. The book is very hard to get
          Living Gems a great place to live.”                                  hold of as people are eager to look at
                                            Events include charity fundraisers   the album.”
          Keith Pavey is another at Sapphire   and special events such as Anzac
          who finds volunteering rewarding.
                                            Day, Australia Day, Irish night,
                                                                         May 2024  23
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