Page 26 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
P. 26


          Sales Managers' Message

          The celebrations are still continuing following the grand opening of
          the Amber by Living Gems Country Club in mid-April.

          The grand opening was a fantastic   modern home designs located on
          opportunity for everyone to meet,   private perimeter sites.
          mingle, and raise a glass to the
          activities they will be partaking   If you would like to view the brand-
                                            new Amber by Living Gems Country
          in with their current and future   Club and our highset display home,
          neighbours. See photos from the   the Bowen, come along to our
          exclusive event on the opposite page   Country Club Open Day on Saturday,
          and check out the pictorial spread of   11 May. To register, see details on
          the interiors on pages 8 to 13.   page 13.

          Visitors to our recent morning tea   We have almost every home at
          event enjoyed viewing our two storey   Amber now under contract, with
          display home – the Bowen design.   no further stages of construction
          The Archer homes have now both    to follow! If you don’t want to risk
          sold, and only three of these stunning   missing out on securing one of the
          split-level villas remain for sale.  final homes available, call our friendly
                                            team today.
          Call myself and Lynda today to
          arrange a viewing on 1800 317 381 to
          not miss out on one of these rare and

                             Amber by Living Gems Sales Team

                             Tameeka Manson, Sales Manager
                             M  0407 766 414 | E [email protected]

                             Lynda Ruddell, Sales Manager                           For illustrative purposes only
                             M  0456 383 269 | E [email protected]

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