Page 24 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
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Get more than you give

          Why volunteering is good for you

          The idea of retirement and switching off the morning alarm clock to   Connection with community
          have a sleep-in every day is the dream of many workers.              Isolation is a serious issue for older
                                                                               Australians with 20 percent socially
          However, losing long-established routines and status earned over years of   isolated – the highest demographic
          experience can be downright depressing once the honeymoon phase of   to experience loneliness. Working
          retirement is over.                                                  with a volunteer group gets you out
                                                                               and about meeting other people
          Did you know that volunteering could be one of the secrets to a happy   across a wide range of age groups,
          retirement? National Volunteer Week from 20 to 26 May puts the spotlight on   which helps you feel more socially
          the importance of those who give their time to make a difference.    connected.

          The first and most important tip for enjoying life after working is rediscovering   Share your skills and learn new ones
          a sense of purpose. With a lifetime of experience to share, volunteering is a   There are some volunteer
          great way to create great social connections – especially for a good cause.   organisations where you can act
          Opportunities are numerous, fun and closer to home than you might think.    as mentors to younger people and
                                                                               share the wisdom of your experience
          We’re a nation of volunteers with more than six million Aussies regularly   as well as some of the practical
          showing up to help at community organisations every year.            skills you’ve mastered. Also, be

          It might be surprising to learn that the age group with the highest number of   open to learning new skills yourself.
          volunteers is not the group with the most amount of spare time. According to   This might mean brushing up on
          Volunteering Australia, the largest group of volunteers (at 36.2 percent) are in   your computer knowledge. Trying
          the 40 to 54 age range.                                              something new serves to keep your
                                                                               brain sharp and active.
          But did you know that volunteering is not just good for other people but good   Broaden your horizons
          for you too?
                                                                               If you like to travel, there are also
          Giving your time has positive physical and mental wellbeing benefits with   volunteering opportunities that
          research from the Mayo Clinic revealing that those who regularly lend a   take you away from well-trod tourist
          helping hand had lower rates of depression and anxiety. In fact, volunteers   destinations. Spend more time in
          overall had lower mortality rates than people who didn’t.            a particular location to explore the
                                                                               culture and do some good too.
          The benefits don’t just end there.

            Research your next volunteer opportunity

            Interested in volunteering and don’t know where to start? We have some websites for you to explore:

            Volunteering Australia -
            Go Volunteer -
            Volunteering in Queensland’s National Parks -
            GVI Australia -

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