Page 28 - Living Gems Thrive | May 2024
P. 28

Resort Round-up

          Welcome to another edition of Resort Round-up which gives an
          insight into some of the fun and fabulous activities, events and
          special occasions enjoyed by homeowners within our Living Gems
          communities. Here are just a few:

          At Amber by Living Gems there were   packed the dance floor for the
          major celebrations held to welcome   Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band,
          the opening of the over-50s lifestyle   Rumours, show. The resort’s
          resort’s much awaited $10.5-million   entertainment program is really
          Country Club which is set to become   taking off with music lovers also
          the hub of the community. It will   enjoying a fabulous show that saw
          also be a wonderful venue for future   The Linda Ronstadt Tribute Show and
          entertainment and social events,   the Boogie Boys team up.
          many of which are already in the
          planning stages and no doubt will   The show nights are attracting up
          feature on these pages in coming   to 200 people with the next concert
          months.                           set to feature husband and wife duo,
                                            MikaT. Held in the Country Club,
          Games, singing and dancing were   these fabulous nights are organised
          enjoyed by more than 80 people    by the resort’s Showtime Booking
          attending a recent Saturday Night   Queen, Gayle Harris, who has already
          Live event held at Ruby by Living   arranged for tribute bands Neil
          Gems. The night began with music   Diamond and the Australian Eagles
          while residents caught up with friends,
          neighbours and family. There were   Band for future events.
          gifts for all the women and lucky   Living Gems Caboolture Riverfront
          prizes for different activities.   residents have also been hitting the

          The night’s compere, Michael, had   road in their vans together for a tour
          everyone play a Pick-a-Box game   around NSW.
          while Lia hosted a dancing game of   Meanwhile, Sapphire by Living
          elimination called Monte Carlo with   Gems’ Resort Manager Natalie Bean
          around 30 competitors. Resident,   is stepping out of her comfort zone
          Alan Voss, entertained the crowd   to raise money for women’s heart
          with his singing and playing of popular   health as part of the Wild Women on
          songs, while joke teller Janet sparked   Top Coastrek 2024 challenge on the
          great laughter, and fellow resident   Sunshine Coast. The event will take
          Jenny sang a special number. A great   place on Friday, 19 July. Money raised
          night was had by all!
                                            by Natalie and her friends from the 20
          Residents of Living Gems          km Coolum to Noosa trek will benefit
          Caboolture Riverfront recently    the Heart Foundation.

             Share your photos and news with us!

             If you would like to have your photos featured in the Thrive Resort
             Round-up next month, or have a story idea to share, we’d love to hear
             from you. Send your photos to us before the 15th of each month to
             ensure your shots can be included in the next edition. Email us at
             [email protected]

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